Awards & Distinctions
“Plastic” won PRISM international’s 2020 Wreck Beach Prize for Prose.
Recipient of an Ontario Graduate Scholarship at the University of Guelph 2020.
Recipient of Writers' Reserve Funding from the Ontario Arts Council 2018.
Selected for a self-directed writing residency at Banff Centre for February 2018.
“Throaty” was nominated by Pheobe Journal for the 2017 Pushcart Prize.
Selected to read at the 2017 Eden Mills Writers Festival in the emerging writers set, the Fringe.
Short-listed for PEN Canada's nomination for the 2016 PEN International New Voices Award.
Recipient of Writers Works in Progress funding from the Toronto Arts Council 2015.
University of Guelph
Creative Writing MFA Candidate, 2019-2021 Cohort
University of Toronto
Trinity College University at the University of Toronto, BA Double Major Philosophy and English Literature 2008-2012